Recently, a list was posted on healthsprocket regarding five trends that involve transforming from patient encounter to an actual customer experience. The list is from a news article by Steve Jacob, D Healthcare Daily founding editor. He explains how physicians are being judged by new standards, importance of patient satisfaction, and how a plethora of physicians dislike the morphing of patients into real customers.
Firstly, increased cost sharing involves higher deductibles and tiered pricing. This has forced patients to take an active role in their healthcare decision making. Secondly, the government and payers have a push for value which has a larger focus on cost containment, quality, and transparency. Thirdly, On-demand healthcare has about one out of four patients saying that they had seeked treatment in a retail clinic in the year 2011. Fourthly, Information access has a decentralized power as patients look for healthcaer information online. Finally, health reform has an estimated thiry million newly insured Americans seeking healthcare. Providers must distinguish themselves on the basis of customer services due to the fact that 30 million Americans will be seeking healthcare.