Executive Compensation

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 11:33

By Marshall Riddle, Senior Analyst, MCOL
Executive compensation is a popular topic in almost any industry, and based on many healthsprocket lists it is definitely popular in healthcare. Just this week another list on the subject was posted, 4 Statistics on Rural Hospital CEO Compensation. Currently, the list  10 Highest paid Healthcare Industry Executives in 2012, is in the top ten of lists trending this month.
If you go back through past healthsprocket lists you will find many lists on this topic. One of the fastest ways to find all of them would be to use the healthsprocket search function. You can search keywords like, compensation, salary, pay etc.
If you're interested in more in depth data on executive salaries you can always check out White Papers from Payers and Providers' which include a number on healthcare executive compensation.