by Marshall Riddle, Senior Analyst, MCOL
The Commonwealth Fund recently released a survey that assessed hospitals’ readiness to participate in ACOs. The survey found that 12.8% of hospitals said they were either participating (3.2%) or preparing to participate in an ACO (9.6%).
Healthsprocket has a number of new lists based on this survey including: Risk Management Features of Hospitals Participating or Planning to Participate in an ACO, Types of Payment Arrangements of Hospitals Participating or Planning to Participate in an ACO, Types of Governance of Hospitals Participating or Planning to Participate in an ACO and Hospital’s Challenges to Participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program
You can view the full survey results here
For further reading on ACOs in general be sure to check out MCOL's Accountable Care Learning Kit or the Health Policy Publishing magazine Accountable Care News