100 Top Hospitals

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 18:58

by Marshall Riddle, Senior Analyst, MCOL
Truven Health Analytics has released their annual list of the 100 top hospitals in the United States. They evaluated nearly 3,000 U.S. hospitals on measures of overall organization performance, including patient care, operational efficiency, and financial stability.
Truven Health Analytics did a comparison to show if all hospitals performed at the same level as the 100 Top Hospitals award winners; more than 164,000 additional lives could be saved, Nearly 82,000 additional patients could be complication free, $6 billion could be saved and The average patient stay would decrease by nearly half a day.
On healthsprocket you can view the Everest Award Hospitals that have achieved both the highest current performance and the fastest long-term improvement over five years.
for the full list visit Truven Health Analytics.