Fact Based List:

HHS: Preliminary Improvements To The 2015 Insurance Marketplace

  1. In the 44 states for which we have data, 77 issuers will be newly offering coverage in 2015
  2. The Federal Marketplace states alone will have 57 more issuers in 2015; a 30 percent net increase over this year
  3. The eight State-based Marketplaces where data is already available will have a total of six more issuers in 2015, a ten percent net increase over this year
  4. Four of the 36 states in the Federal Marketplace will have at least double the number of issuers they had in 2014
  5. In total, 36 states of the 44 will have at least one new issuer next year

Source: The Department of Health and Human Services
Source URL: http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2014pres/09/20140923a.html?utm...