Fact Based List:

Nicola Hawkinson: 5 Ways To Maintain Cost, Quality And Patient Satisfaction Post Healthcare Reform

  1. Utilizing Mid level Providers- PAs and NPs have the ability to provide high quality health services while remaining cost-effective
  2. Be Proactive- In most cases practices suffer when a surgeon decides to leave because recruiting and finding a replacement is difficult
  3. Stay Current- Staying on top of the legislation and current topics in healthcare and spine education will only benefit spine surgeons and their practices
  4. Professional Infrastructure- High-quality healthcare depends upon the presence of well-trained, dedicated healthcare professionals
  5. Ancillary Services- Adding ancillary services to your practice can be expensive but once you’ve done the research you may find that an initial expense will pay off long term

Source: Becker's Spine Review
Source URL: http://www.beckersspine.com/spine/item/21877-top-5-ways-to-m...