Fact Based List:

Kelley Campbell: 5 Musts for a Successful Take-Off Into Retirement

  1. Create a financial plan and master budgeting- The financial plan is one of the most important things that you can do before you enter retirement
  2. Retirement income sources- What forms of income will you have in retirement?
  3. Maximize your 401(k) by taking full advantage of your employer match- Don't neglect the qualified account catch-up provisions
  4. Healthcare- Outside of maintaining your good personal health, you should be aware of your company’s healthcare plan, how it works
  5. Try to pay off debt before you retire- Be mindful of the amount of debt you're carrying, the most common types of debt are credit cards and auto loans

Source: U.S. News
Source URL: http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/the-smarter-mutual-fund-...