Fact Based List:

Stephanie Baum: 10 Most Active Healthcare CIOs On Twitter

  1. Will Weider (@CandidCIO) is the CIO for Ministry Health and authors the blog Candid CIO
  2. John Halamka (@jhalamka) is the CIO for Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and authors the blog Life as a Healthcare CIO
  3. Steve Downs (@stephenjdowns) is the CTO and CIO for Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  4. Steve Huffman (@SteveHuffmanCIO) is the CIO for Beacon Health System
  5. Mary Sobiechowski (@msobie) is the CIO of Kantar Health
  6. Kevin More (@kmmore) is the CIO for Human Service and Healthcare.org for May Institute
  7. Glenn Lanteigne (@GlennLanteigne) is the CIO of medical laboratory services business LifeLabs
  8. Bill Swavely (@bswavely) is the CIO for BioTelemetry, the company formerly known as CardioNet
  9. David Chou (@dchou1107) is the CIO for the University of Mississippi Medical Center
  10. Jay Ferro (@JayFerro) is the CIO for the American Cancer Society

Source: MedCity News
Source URL: http://medcitynews.com/2014/04/healthcare-cios-follow-twitter/