Fact Based List:

Charles Wheelan: 5 Reasons the GOP Needs an Obamacare Alternative

  1. There is no Republican health care plan: Repealing Obamacare is not a plan. It’s a first step
  2. Americans like individual features of the Affordable Care Act more than they like the law overall: According to a Kaiser Health Tracking Poll last year
  3. Health care is not like other goods: Consumers need to “own” more of their health care expenses, or at least care about them
  4. What is the Republican plan for preexisting conditions?: The reality of life is that some people are born sick, or with a high likelihood of getting sick, through not fault of their own
  5. Hillary knows health care: She’s perfectly positioned for 2016 on this issue. No one can deny that she knows health care, yet the Affordable Care Act isn’t her fault

Source: U.S. News
Source URL: http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/charles-wheelan/2014/03/...