Fact Based List:

Estimated Reduction in 2015 for Medicare Advantage Organizations

  1. ACA quartile impact for 2015: -2.4%
  2. Change in plans' star rating for 2015: 0.4%
  3. Elimination of bonus for 3.0 and 3.5 stars for 2015: -1.9%
  4. Elimination of applicable amount bonus: -0.1%
  5. Ratebook change for 2015: -1.9%
  6. Projected insurer fee for 2015: -0.8%
  7. Coding intensity change for 2015: -0.25%
  8. Risk Score normalization factor for 2015: -3.2%
  9. Elimination of home assessment visit diagnoses: -2.0%
  10. Total Reduction for 2015: -5.9%

Source: Oliver Wyman
Source URL: http://www.ahip.org/2015-Advance-Notice/