Fact Based List:

Jared Jacobs- Five Hot Healthcare Innovations in 2013 and a Few to Look Out for in 2014

  1. Access Management Solutions- Desktop virtualization and identity access management solutions are becoming more necessary
  2. Cloud Computing and SaaS Alternatives- Healthcare technology is changing fast, and providers need solutions that can scale, evolve, and develop just as quickly
  3. Big Data- With so many new ways to track data on patients, providers are generating more information than they can possibly deal with
  4. Personal Diagnosis- Patients who don't want to visit a doctor for some of the more simple things can go to the local mall, convenience store, or other location to get a basic diagnosis on their own
  5. Personal Tracking- More people are using technology to track their own activity levels and monitor their nutrition every day
  6. In 2014, doctors, patients, and other providers will be more connected than ever before
  7. People who have been raised on social media will continue looking to those resources in 2014 and doctors will likely turn to these mediums to connect with current and potential patients

Source: SYS-CON Media, Inc.
Source URL: http://java.sys-con.com/node/2894943