Fact Based List:

Key Issues to Impact Practicing Physicians in the Year Ahead

  1. From Consolidation to “Monopolization.” The trend toward medical consolidation is increasing rapidly, and is seen across health care systems and insurance companies alike
  2. Growing Regulatory Burden. The Foundation’s 2012 Biennial Physician Survey found that physicians are currently spending 22 percent of their time on non-clinical paperwork
  3. Confronting the Confusion. The recent launch of health insurance exchanges is already driving high levels of confusion among patients, physicians and employers
  4. Overcoming HIT Shortfalls. A critical component of health reform is the adoption and integration of health information technology (HIT)
  5. Health System Stalemates. As physicians observe the challenges facing the initial roll-out of the ACA there is concern that issues affecting the healthcare system are not being properly managed

Source: The Physicians Foundation
Source URL: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20131210005379/en/Phys...