Fact Based List:

Seven steps to manage high-cost specialty drugs as costs rise

  1. Bridge the benefit divide: use combined pharmacy and medical data to see the scope of specialty spending.
  2. Focus on the biggest issues: combine data to target urgent issues and focus on areas that can provide the best return
  3. Narrow the specialty network: use cost-effective distribution channels and limit the number of distributors.
  4. Embrace a management mindset: make sure the right specialty drugs are used properly
  5. Promote preferred drug use: build plans that encourage desired behaviors.
  6. Protect members from high costs: use available tools to reduce the burden on vulnerable members.
  7. Pick the right partner: select a trusted advisor with comprehensive capabilities

Source: Prime Therapeutics
Source URL: http://www.primetherapeutics.com/Files/Specialty_DTI_FINAL.pdf