Fact Based List:

Government Health IT: 6 steps to prep for HIXs

  1. Gain an understanding of the impact that members in current small group and individual products are likely to have on HIX products.
  2. Utilize pharmacy data to quickly understand the risk of new enrollees.
  3. Implement a risk-adjusted revenue management program focused on coding accuracy.
  4. Procure the infrastructure required for HHS to calculate risk scores.
  5. Develop operating procedures that allow for the separation of mother-infant claims, as well as the creation of masked enrollee IDs.
  6. Develop comprehensive tools to calculate and apply risk information on the 81% of adults, and the 91% of children, excluded from the risk-adjustment model.

Source: Government Health IT, August 29, 2013
Source URL: http://www.govhealthit.com/news/6-steps-prep-hixs