Fact Based List:

Becker's Hospital Review: 9 Survey Findings on Hospital Salaries and Incentives

  1. Roughly 84 percent of hospitals and health systems are increasing salary budgets or are keeping salary increase budgets the same for 2013
  2. Hospitals and health systems have budgeted the highest salary increases for staff-level employees
  3. On average, hospital staff members are expected to see a 2.9 percent salary raise. Middle management and executives are projected to receive 2.8 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively
  4. The main factors affecting salary decisions in 2012 were expected financial performance this year, actual financial performance in 2012 and local salary trends
  5. About 75 percent of hospitals have an incentive plan for their executives
  6. Almost 90 percent of responding organizations with executive incentive plans will pay out awards based on performance in 2012
  7. Roughly 10 percent of executives have incentives tied to physician alignment
  8. The 4 most common criteria for physician alignment awards in executive incentive plans were meeting CMS quality standards, physician adherence to clinical pathways, physician use of EMR & readmissions
  9. About 37 percent of hospitals said they pay float pool registered nurses the same as regular staff RNs

Source: Becker's Hospital Review
Source URL: http://beckershospitalreview.com/compensation-issues/8-surve...
Notes: Derived from Integrated Healthcare Strategies' 2013 spring compensation survey, which gathered responses from 177 hospital and health system executives