Fact Based List:

Lindsay Resnick's Medicare Marketing Top Ten Tips List

  1. Understand the impact of CMS COMPLIANCE
  2. Be DATA DRIVEN to ensure a strong foundation
  3. Modernize your AGE-IN process
  4. RETAIN MEMBERS to increase ROI
  5. STAR RATINGS impact the bottom line
  6. CUSTOMER INTERACTION makes a key difference
  7. Don’t ignore DIGITAL MEDICARE
  8. Consider MULTI-CHANNEL SALES that match customer preferences
  9. Understand your DIFFERENTIATED VALUE
  10. Measure MARKETING ROI to determine actual results

Source: KBM Group Health Services Blog: Medicare Marketing Top Ten List by Lindsay Resnick
Source URL: http://www.kbmghealth.com/Blogs/tabid/78/EntryId/44/Medicare...