Fact Based List:

Hospitals with Highest Average Total Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Payments for Major Joint Replacement Or Reattachment Of Lower Extremity

  1. Baylor Surgical Hospital At Fort Worth, TX - Fort Worth, $38,686.28
  2. Johns Hopkins Hospital, The, MD - Baltimore, $34,173.67
  3. University Of Maryland Medical Center, MD - Baltimore, $33,919.65
  4. San Francisco General Hospital, CA - San Francisco, $33,777.27
  5. Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, AK - Anchorage, $30,920.30
  6. Vail Valley Medical Center, CO - Denver, $30,632.92
  7. Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center, NY - Bronx, $29,980.07
  8. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, CA - San Jose, $29,937.53
  9. Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, NY - Bronx, $29,134.14
  10. Jacobi Medical Center, NY - Bronx, $28,959.69

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Source URL: http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Stat...
Notes: With out Major Complications and Comorbid Conditions