Fact Based List:

Wikio's Top Ten Health Care Blogs for August 2011

  1. Well http://well.blogs.nytimes.com
  2. Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog http://www.kevinmd.com/blog
  3. Respectful Insolence http://scienceblogs.com/insolence
  4. Science-Based Medicine http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/
  5. Pharmalot http://www.pharmalot.com
  6. John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://www.john-goodman-blog.com
  7. Health Beat http://www.healthbeatblog.org
  8. The Health Care Blog http://www.thehealthcareblog.com/the_health_care_blog
  9. In the Pipeline http://pipeline.corante.com
  10. Age of Autism http://www.ageofautism.com/

Source: Wikio
Source URL: http://www.wikio.com/blogs/top/health
Notes: The position of a blog in the Wikio ranking depends on the number and weight of the incoming links from other blogs; the algorithm accords a greater value to links from blogs placed higher up in the ranking.