Fact Based List:

Key Parent and College Student/Grad Survey Data on Health Plan Coverage Through Parent's Health Plan

  1. 74% of college graduates think it’s better to live with their parents and have health insurance than to live on their own and go uninsured
  2. 78% of parents would be willing to allow their adult children to live with them after graduation, but only 25% would be willing to help them purchase health insurance on their own
  3. 54% of students and 74% of gradswould rather live at home the first year after college if it meant having health insurance
  4. 53% of college students (53%) and 63% of grads are aware that they can stay on their parents’ health plans until they turn 26; 76% of parents know this too
  5. 38% of parents don’t intend to keep their college grads on their health insurance plan until age 26

Source: 2011 eHealth College Student and Grads Survey and eHealth Parents Survey
Source URL: http://news.ehealthinsurance.com/pr/ehi/college-grads-prefer...
Notes: The eHealth College Student and Grads Survey was conducted by Kelton Research between April 21st and April 29th, 2011, using an email invitation and an online survey. Kelton Research surveyed a sample of 255 full-time college students ages 18-30 and 251 recent college graduates ages 18-30 who are in the workforce or seeking employment. The eHealth Parent Survey was conducted by Kelton Research between April 21st and April 29th, 2011, using an email invitation and an online survey. Kelton Research surveyed a sample of 500 parents of full-time college students or recent graduates who are in the workforce or seeking employment.