Fact Based List:

American Medical News: 9 ways doctors can lower readmissions

  1. Keep organized information on patients' medical issues, health goals, functional and psychological status, and behavioral and social issues.
  2. Consider patients' acute, intermediate and long-term care goals.
  3. Be explicit with patients about social, economic, cultural and other factors that may impede their care.
  4. Use reader-friendly tools such as checklists and “red flag” lists to help patients and caregivers with self-management tasks.
  5. Use motivational interviewing and teach-to-goal methods to support self-care.
  6. Use pharmacy, patient and hospital discharge lists to ensure a fully reconciled and accurate medication list after discharge.
  7. Reinforce medication changes made in the hospital with patients, as appropriate.
  8. Use “pill cards” to help patients track drug changes.
  9. Allocate time to address care coordination tasks, using templates and checklists for specific tasks.

Source: "AMA details plan for cutting hospital readmissions," American Medical News, February 18, 2013
Source URL: http://www.amednews.com/article/20130218/health/130219952/4/
Notes: Based on “There and Home Again, Safely: Five Responsibilities of Ambulatory Practices in High Quality Care Transitions,” http://www.ama-assn.org/resources/doc/patient-safety/ambulatory-practices.pdf