Fact Based List:

TwiTip: 7 Twitter Tips for Health Professionals

  1. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is equally important online as it is offline
  2. Respect: People are not stupid. Sometimes they are not as aware of their health as they should be.
  3. Share: If you find a great article, post the link for others to read.
  4. Language: Don’t use jargon.
  5. Advice: Be aware of the advice that you provide on twitter, just as you would in individual consultations.
  6. Engage: Work with those in your profession or industry to get more evidence based positive health messages out there.
  7. Align: Before you get onto social media sites to promote yourself, your brand or your message, it will help to determine who your ideal follower is.

Source: Tara Diversi, TwiTip
Source URL: http://www.twitip.com/twitter-for-health-professionals/