Fact Based List:

Medicare Patient Characteristics Associated with Risk of Readmission

  1. Gender (male)
  2. Poverty (Medicaid or uninsured)
  3. Age (Medicare)
  4. Lack of stable living situation and/or support at home
  5. Low English and/or health literacy
  6. Index admission for HF, AMI, PN or certain types of surgery
  7. Recent admission(s)
  8. Frequent ED visits
  9. Takes six or more medications
  10. CHF, diabetes, COPD
  11. Depression, psychoses
  12. Cancer, renal or lung disease
  13. Alcohol or drug dependency
  14. Disabled
  15. Frail
  16. Signs of poor nutrition
  17. Discharged during a weekend or holiday

Source: CSC: Preventing Hospital Readmissions: The First Test Case for Continuity of Care
Source URL: http://assets1.csc.com/health_services/downloads/CSC_Prevent...