Fact Based List:

Private Health Insurance Exchanges (HIXs) and platforms in alphabetical order

The HealthcareWebSummit event "Private Health Insurance Exchanges: Moving Forward During Reform Uncertainty" will be held 1PM Eastern Thursday, June 7, 2012

  1. American Westbrook (www.amwestbrook.com/employee_benefits/my_health_plans)
  2. Aon Hewitt Corporate Exchange (www.aonhewitt.com)
  3. Array Health (www.arrayhealth.com)
  4. Bloom Health (www.gobloomhealth.com)
  5. Blue KC Exchange (www.bluekcexchange.com)
  6. Choice Administrators (www.choiceadmin.com)
  7. Connected Health (www.connectedhealth.com)
  8. eHealth (www.ehealth.com)
  9. Ensurex (www.midatlanticbx.com/MemberBenefits/Ensurex.aspx)
  10. Extend Health (www.extendhealth.com)
  11. GetInsured.com (www.getinsured.com)
  12. hCentive (www.hcentive.com)
  13. HealthPass (www.healthpass.com)

Source: MCOL Compilation
Source URL: http://www.mcol.com