Fact Based List:

Six Takeaways from CMS' 2023 Star Ratings

  1. 51% of MA plans with drug coverage will have a four-star rating or higher in 2023, compared with 68% for 2022.
  2. 72% of people currently in an MA drug coverage plan are enrolled in one with four stars or higher, compared to 90% for 2022.
  3. 31% of standalone Part D plans active in 2023 received a star rating of four or more - about 9% of part D plan enrollees are currently in such a plan.
  4. 62 contracts have five stars, with 57 of them as MA prescription drug offerings.
  5. Approximately 72% of the non-profit contracts received 4 or more stars compared to 43% of the for-profit MA-PDs.
  6. Approximately 42% of nonprofit PDPs received 4 or more stars compared to 25% of the for-profit PDPs.

Source: CMS, October 6, 2022
Source URL: https://healthsprocket.com/hs/content/six-takeaways-cms-2023...