Fact Based List:

Cynerio and Ponemon: 45% of Healthcare Cyberattack Victims Report Adverse Impact on Patient Care

  1. 56% of respondents stated their healthcare organizations experienced one or more cyberattacks in the past 24 months involving IoMT/IoT devices.
  2. Among those, 58% averaged 9 or more cyberattacks over two years.
  3. 47% of the cyberattack victims reported a ransom being paid.
  4. 45% of the victims reported adverse impacts on patient care.
  5. 53% percent of those reported increased mortality rates as a result.

Source: Cynerio, August 9, 2022
Source URL: https://www.cynerio.com/blog/cynerio-and-ponemon-study-finds...
Notes: Leaders at 517 healthcare systems throughout the United States were surveyed for a report produced in partnership by Cynerio and the Ponemon Institute.