Fact Based List:

KFF Survey: Experience of Medicare-Covered Older Adults*

  1. 94% of adults 65 and older with Medicare coverage report being very satisfied or satisfied with the quality of their medical care and the availability of specialists
  2. 96% report having a usual source of care in a setting other than an emergency department
  3. 11% of Medicare-covered adults report having cost-related problems (compared to 16% of privately-insured adults ages 50 to 64)
  4. For those in relatively poor health, 20% of Medicare-covered adults report cost-related problems (compared to 33% of privately-insured adults ages 50 to 64)

Source: KFF, May 17, 2021
Source URL: https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-covered-ol...
Notes: *Ages 65 and older