Fact Based List:

2021 HSA Thresholds from IRS Rev Procedure 2020-32

  1. The maximum HSA contribution for an individual with self-only HDHP coverage: $3,600 (up $50).
  2. The maximum HSA contribution for family HDHP coverage: $7,200 ($100 more than in 2020).
  3. The maximum out-of-pocket amount for an HDHP for self-only coverage: $7,000 (up $100).
  4. The max out-of-pocket limit for an HDHP participant with a family plan: $14,000 (a $200 increase).
  5. The minimum deductible HDHP coverage: remains at $1,400 for self-only and $2,800 for family coverage.
  6. The maximum amount for HSA catch-up contributions for those age 55 or older holds at $1,000.

Source: CFO Daily News
Source URL: https://www.cfodailynews.com/news/2021-health-savings-accoun...