Fact Based List:

Agenda Set for 9th Annual ACO Web Summit: November 8, 2018

Accountable Care Web Summit: Ninth Annual Look at All Things ACO will be held on 11/8/18 from 1:00 - 2:30PM Eastern

  1. Avalere Study: Medicare Accountable Care Organizations Generate Savings as Experience Grows
  2. NAACOS Study: Estimates of Savings by Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOS
  3. Opportunities for care coordination through innovative technologies: Proposed Rule Changes
  4. On-Demand Sessions: MSSP Pathways to Success, plus NJ Medicaid ACO Demonstration Update

Source: Accountable Care Web Summit: 11/8/2018
Source URL: http://www.healthwebsummit.com/acosummit.htm