Fact Based List:

5 Discussion Items to be Addressed in Webinar on Inpatient PPS Fiscal Year 2019 Final Rule

Webinar: FY2019 IPPS Final Rule Implications: Preparing Your Hospital, November 6, 2018 at 1PM Eastern

  1. Analyze the FY2019 Inpatient PPS Final rule and evaluate the impact on your hospital
  2. Examine MS-DRG grouping, ICD-10 changes and impact declassification of 800 codes
  3. Ascertain changes payment calculations for hospital-acquired conditions and hospital readmission reduction program
  4. Identify Medicare legislative and regulatory issues applicable to acute care hospitals
  5. Explore requirements and implications involved with price transparency provisions

Source: FY2019 IPPS Final Rule Implications: Preparing Your Hospital
Source URL: http://healthwebsummit.com/pps110618.htm