Fact Based List:

BHR: 7 Key Takeaways from Medicare Trustees 2018 Annual Report

  1. Total Medicare expenditures were $710.2 billion in 2017 and income was $705.1 billion.
  2. The HI trust fund is set to run out three years earlier than projected last year.
  3. This progress was reversed due to "adverse changes in program income."
  4. When the trust fund is exhausted, the government has dedicated revenues that will cover 91 percent of benefits for the remainder of 2026.
  5. Medicare's other trust fund — the Supplementary Medicare Insurance Trust Fund, which covers Parts B and D — is sufficiently funded.
  6. Several changes included in President Donald Trump's tax law will modestly affect Medicare solvency.
  7. The Trump administration believes economic growth will improve the financial stability of both Social Security and Medicare.

Source: Becker's Hospital Review
Source URL: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/medicare-trust...