Fact Based List:

JABFM: Major barriers to expanding work roles of medical assistant in PCMHs

  1. insufficient understanding of the PCMH concept
  2. lack of time for added responsibilities
  3. additional workload without additional compensation
  4. disparate levels of medical knowledge and training
  5. reluctance of clinicians to delegate tasks
  6. uncertainty in making new workflow changes routine
  7. staff turnover
  8. change fatigue

Source: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM), March-April, 2018
Source URL: http://jabfm.org/content/31/2/226.full
Notes: From an article entitled,"Barriers and Facilitators to Expanding Roles of Medical Assistants in Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) by Centered Medical Homes (PCMH)," by Jeanne M. Ferrante, MD, MPH, Eric K. Shaw, PhD, Jennifer E. Bayly, BS, Jenna Howard, PhD, M. Nell Quest, PhD, Elizabeth C. Clark, MD, MPH and Connie Pascal, MS