Fact Based List:

Urban Institute Study: How Choices in State HIX Design Could Affect Premiums and Coverage

The Health Insurance Exchange Learning Kit is now available from MCOL

  1. Merging the small-group and individual markets will lead to a 10% decline in individual premiums inside the exchange and somewhat less outside the exchange
  2. Eliminating age rating would result in 1 million less uninsured older adults but a larger number of uninsured younger adults
  3. Eliminating the employer tax credit reduces the number of people purchasing coverage though the exchange by about 500,000, with a similar increases in number obtaining coverage outside exchange
  4. Changing "small group" definition has little impact on number of people covered through the exchange, because firms with 50-100 employees are unlikely to achieve administrative savings from exchanges

Source: The Commonwealth Fund
Source URL: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Publications/In-Brief/2012/F...
Notes: With support from The Commonwealth Fund, researchers from the Urban Institute simulated the implications of various design choices