Fact Based List:

JAPhA study: 4 most common potentially preventable, medication-related readmissions categories

  1. nonadherence due to patient choice: 23.8%
  2. untreated condition for which medication is indicated: 13.3%
  3. dose too high: 10.5%
  4. dose too low: 10.5%

Source: Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA), June 30, 2017
Source URL: http://www.japha.org/article/S1544-3191(17)30778-1/fulltext
Notes: From a study by Karen L. Pellegrin, Elizabeth Lee, Reece Uyeno, Chris Ayson, and Roy Goo, entitled "Potentially preventable medication-related hospitalizations: A clinical pharmacist approach to assessment, categorization, and quality improvement"