Fact Based List:

Nine Things to Know From GAO Report on Hospital Value Based Purchasing

  1. Safety net hospitals generally scored lower in quality compared to all hospitals
  2. Small rural and small urban hospitals scored higher on efficiency compared to all hospitals
  3. In 4/5 years of GAO's analysis, small rural and small urban hospitals were more likely to receive a bonus compared to all hospitals
  4. Safety net hospitals were more likely to receive a penalty during this timespan
  5. A majority of all hospitals received a bonus or a penalty of less than 0.5 percent each year
  6. Hospitals receiving a bonus > 0.5 percent increased from 4% of hospitals to 29% from FY 2013 - 2017
  7. Most hospitals had a bonus or penalty of less than $100,000 in fiscal year 2017
  8. Efficiency score had a greater effect on total performance score because of CMS methodology
  9. Hospitals with missing scores were more likely to receive bonuses than hospitals with complete scores

Source: GAO Report - June 30, 2017: CMS Should Take Steps to Ensure Lower Quality Hospitals Do Not Qualify for Bonuses
Source URL: http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-17-551