Fact Based List:

Cheri Lattimer: Readmissions - 7 transitional care interventions

  1. Medication management: Providers assess the patients' medications and patients and families engage in their own education
  2. Transition planning: clearly-identified practitioner, conducts comprehensive assessment of patient needs in formal process that facilitates safe patient transition from one level of care to another
  3. Patient and family engagement and education: For the most part, patients and families want to take part in their own care
  4. Information transfer: Also key to transitional care is a clearly defined communication model.
  5. Follow-up care: Equally as important as care while in the hospital is care that comes after the hospital visit.
  6. Healthcare provider engagement: the importance of the care team, who must be responsible and accountable for the patient.
  7. Shared accountability across providers and organizations

Source: Conference highlights 7 transitional care interventions , Fiercehealthcare, January 30. 2012
Source URL: http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/conference-highlights-...