Fact Based List:

6 of the Most Recent Healthcare Frauds, Chronological Order

  1. Comprehensive Health Services pays $3.9 million for allegedly double billing IRS - Feb. 9
  2. Aetna awarded $51.4 million from Texas hospital in false billing case - Feb. 8
  3. TeamHealth to pay $60 million to settle 'upcoding' claims as acquisition by Blackstone wraps up - Feb. 7
  4. Ohio doctor pleads guilty to using his clinic to supply drugs, evading more than $3.5 million in taxes - Feb. 1
  5. Kaiser Permanente fine $2.5 million over missing data tied to California Medicaid - Jan. 27
  6. Cigna reaches settlement, will pay penalty over psych test policy - Jan. 25

Source: Healthcare Finance News
Source URL: http://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/slideshow/biggest-healt...