Fact Based List:

IDC Health Insights Top 10 Health IT Predictions For 2012

  1. The majority of U.S. providers will use EHRs by the end of 2012. This will advance health information exchange functionality.
  2. Providers will establish successful ACOs, which will emerge from private or public-private initiatives.
  3. Health plans will rebrand in 2012 as the focus turns to consumers.
  4. There will be greater integration of payment systems with clinical performance and outcomes.
  5. Pharmaceutical companies will add software that provides real-time alerts, data integration, and analytics to create actionable information that will drive operational efficiencies.
  6. ACOs will need to develop an enterprise analytic framework that includes clinical analytics.
  7. The relationships between pharmaceutical companies and outsourcing firms will shift to broader and deeper partnering relationships across entire functional areas.
  8. As physicians, nurses, and mid-level practitioners increasingly use their personal mobile devices to conduct work-related tasks, hospital CIOs will have to deal with increased security risks.
  9. Health plans will deploy second-generation communication strategies, developed with the aid of analytics software, to support consumer communications throughout 2012.
  10. The second generation of consumer communications will leverage consumers' social networks, including family, friends, and co-workers, to encourage healthy habits.

Source: InformationWeek
Source URL: http://www.informationweek.com/news/healthcare/clinical-syst...