Fact Based List:

SBN Staff: 5 things CEOs should know about the latest health care technology

  1. Integration = efficiency - The right health plan technology includes such things as ACA compliance and private exchange capabilities
  2. Communication is key - Health plan platform technology must now have smart communication capabilities baked into it
  3. Optimizing the user experience - Employees expect to be able to instantly access their HSA and this month’s wellness incentive, via the same platform anytime
  4. Emulating the ‘Amazon Effect.’ - Technology must now include capabilities such as easy-to-use cost-comparison and decision-support tools
  5. Tailored human engagement has reached a new level - Leading-edge technology partners are now employing customer service avatars and other voice recognition capabilities

Source: UPMC Health Plan
Source URL: http://www.sbnonline.com/article/five-things-to-know-latest-...