Fact Based List:

Barriers to growth of population-­based,accountable care systems

  1. Current stakeholder financial interests and incentives - 93%
  2. Lack of financial incentives for integration - 86%
  3. Lack of alignment of public and private payer policies and practices - 75%
  4. Culture of physician autonomy - 71%
  5. The way in which providers are currently trained - 61%
  6. Availability of technical assistance to undergo necessary transformation - 52%
  7. Patient preference for open access to providers and services - 51%

Source: Health Care Opinion Leaders' Views on Delivery System Innovation and Improvement
Source URL: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Content/Publications/Data-Br...
Notes: % indicated Percent of respondents rating item as Extremely or Very Significant Barrier. Respondents rated all barriers based on degree of signifcance. Based on: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders (HCOL) Survey, conducted by Harris Interactive® on behalf of The Commonwealth Fund and Modern Healthcare, published July 2010.