Fact Based List:

Arlen Myers, MD: 10 Misconceptions That Hold Back Healthcare Innovation

  1. You need to be "all in" to contribute.
  2. Doctors have no business learning the business of medicine.
  3. Entrepreneurship is about starting a business, instead of creating user-defined value through the deployment of innovation.
  4. Our present educational system is built and performs to deliver graduates with market defined creative and innovation competencies.
  5. Low achievers will always be low achievers and we should stop wasting time on them.
  6. Innovation is a random act of creativity.
  7. Necessity is the mother of not just invention, but innovation as well.
  8. Innovation needs to managed, not led.
  9. Intrinsic entrepreneurial motivators are much more important than extrinsic motivators and really can't be taught.
  10. The innovation ecosystem is rigged against the little guy.

Source: Physician's Money Digest, February 10, 2016
Source URL: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/a...