Fact Based List:

Charlie Estey: Top 10 Reasons You Should Implement Wellness

  1. Employee health affects organizational health.
  2. The worksite is a great place to promote health.
  3. It creates better results.
  4. Wellness, business strategy aligns.
  5. It helps connect employers with the community
  6. Your employees needs are unique.
  7. It's a good, constant strategy.
  8. Incentives can be very influential.
  9. It gets everyone involved. Leadership support is required for success.
  10. Wellness works.

Source: "Top 10 reasons you should implement wellness," BenefitsPro 30 June 2015.
Source URL: http://www.benefitspro.com/2015/06/30/top-10-reasons-you-sho...
Notes: From a Society for Human Resource Management's annual conference presentation.