Fact Based List:

UCSF Experts Pick Hottest Science and Medicine Trends for 2015

  1. Hacking the Brain - Long-lasting implants employing hundreds or thousands of electrodes can be placed in the brain to both deliver stimulation and to “listen” to brain activity for signs of trouble
  2. Breakthroughs in Teamwork - As technology grows increasingly powerful and opens up new complex ways to tackle problems, scientists are embracing a multidisciplinary team effort
  3. Diagnosing Disease through DNA - DNA from an individual or a virus or bacteria or a pathogen – can now be sequenced for less than $1,000
  4. Rejuvenation through the Blood - A recent study found that infusions of young blood can perk up the brains of older mice
  5. Prime Time for Telemedicine - After years of fitful growth, telemedicine is finally coming into its own in American health care
  6. Breaking Down Cancer Categories - Cancer is now known to be a diverse collection of diseases demanding a wide range of treatments
  7. Systems Pharmacology - This emerging field, known as systems pharmacology, integrates the behavior of molecules to understand the effects of drugs on the whole organism
  8. Transparency in Health Care Pricing - As patients are increasingly being asked to take on more of their health care costs, hospitals and health plans are to provide better transparency

Source: UC San Francisco
Source URL: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150107005155/en/UCSF...