Fact Based List:

Eric Wicklund: 6 mHealth Resolutions For The New Year

  1. We resolve to reimburse doctors for mHealth - If a doctor can reasonably treat someone over the phone, over a video-feed on online, let him or her do it
  2. We resolve to establish clear rules and regulations for mobile medical apps - Make sure that any app that can be used to make a diagnosis or medical decision is regulated
  3. We resolve to avoid the "consumer-facing wearable" hype until it actually means something to doctors - Wearable devices are all the rage these days, but doctors aren't buying into them
  4. We resolve to tackle the "engagement" issue - Forget "patient engagement" – that's an overused and inaccurate term. It's "consumer engagement
  5. We resolve to help doctors embrace mHealth - They've got EMRs and ICD-10 and meaningful use and ACA mandates to worry about

Source: mHealth News
Source URL: http://www.mhealthnews.com/news/6-mhealth-resolutions-new-year