Fact Based List:

Bill Ho: 10 security tips for adapting to healthcare BYOD

Submitted by jryan@mcol.com on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 14:47

  1. Examine and update security policies.
  2. Determine devices you want to support.
  3. Set expectations clearly.
  4. Write clear and concise policies.
  5. Create a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  6. Enforce data encryption at rest.
  7. Decide on application availability.
  8. Provide training to physicians and hospital staff.
  9. Search for applications with audit, reporting and centralized management capabilities.
  10. Consider mobile device management software (MDM).

Source: Health IT Security
Source URL: http://healthitsecurity.com/2013/04/19/10-security-tips-for-...

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