Fact Based List:

Total 2013 Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment by Medicare Star Rating

  1. 5 - 1,327,123
  2. 4.5 - 2,282,107
  3. 4 - 1,806,105
  4. 3.5 - 5,328,911
  5. 3 - 2,898,840
  6. 2.5 - 678,180
  7. 2 - 4,313
  8. 1.5 - 18,431
  9. 1 - 13,359
  10. Not enough data available - 118,264
  11. Plan too new to be measured - 119,772

Source: CMS, Medicare Advantage/Part D Contract and Enrollment Data and Part C and D Performance Data
Source URL: http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare.html
Notes: Enrollment data as of April 2013