Fact Based List:

Top 10 States for Avoidable Hospital Use & Costs: Overall Ranking, 2009

  1. Utah (2007 rank: 1)
  2. Idaho (2007 rank: 3)
  3. Oregon (2007 rank: 2)
  4. North Dakota (2007 rank: 6)
  5. Hawaii (2007 rank: 5)
  6. Washington (2007 rank: 4)
  7. Montana (tied with South Dakota) (2007 rank: 8)
  8. South Dakota (Tied with Montana) (2007 rank: 17)
  9. Wyoming (2007 rank: 11)
  10. New Mexico (2007 rank: 7)

Source: The Commonwealth Fund
Source URL: http://datacenter.commonwealthfund.org/#ind=24/sc=1