Fact Based List:

Communities Ranked Among the Lowest in Medicare Quality of Care Rankings

  1. McAllen, TX (69.52)
  2. Monroe, LA (77.15)
  3. El Paso, TX (77.26)
  4. Lubbock, TX (78.08)
  5. Macon, GA (78.62)
  6. Montgomery, AL (79)
  7. Abilene, TX (79.15)
  8. Corpus Christi, TX (79.3)
  9. Gainesville, FL (80.11)
  10. Chicago, IL (80.84)

Source: LA Times, February 25. 2010.
Source URL: http://www.latimes.com/news/health/grandjunction/la-he-grand...
Notes: According to a report published in the LA Times, Medicare ranked more than 300 cities for quality of healthcare in 2005,