Fact Based List:

Gorman Health Group: Eight Points About the Pioneer ACO Program

Version 4 of MCOL's ACO Learning Kit, released March 2012, includes 15 presentations from national ACO experts with over 13 hours of instruction

  1. Demonstration program, not permanent
  2. Agreements up to five years’ duration, depending on performance, compliance
  3. Similar to MSSP, but more reward, more risk
  4. Capitation after first 2 years
  5. Limited to experienced programs (delegated capitated physician groups, for instance)
  6. Beneficiaries can opt in by attestation
  7. Same quality measures as MSSP
  8. Not accepting new applicants

Source: Gorman Health Group HealthcareWebSummit Presentation, 2/15/12: ACO Capitation 101
Source URL: http://www.healthwebsummit.com/gorman021512.htm