Fact Based List:

Medical Professions Rankings in Gallup Poll on Honesty & Ethics by Profession

Submitted by Clive Riddle on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 19:07

  1. Nurses (Ranked 1st overall: 81% rated high/very high | 1% rated low/very low)
  2. Pharmacists (Ranked 3rd overall: 71% rated high/very high | 4% rated low/very low)
  3. Medical Doctors (Ranked 5th overall: 66% rated high/very high | 5% rated low/very low)
  4. Nursing Home Operators (Ranked 11th overall: 26% rated high/very high | 24% rated low/very low)

Notes: Lobbyists ranked last (22nd overall: 7% rated high/very high | 61% rated low/very low)
Source: Gallup's 11th annual Honesty and Ethics survey, December 2010
Source URL: http://www.gallup.com/poll/145043/Nurses-Top-Honesty-Ethics-...

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