Medicare Advantage Star Ratings

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 11:35

By Marshall Riddle, Senior Analyst, MCOL
Curious about the progress of the Medicare Star Rating System? Three new lists have been posted on healthsprocket looking at the ratings by their enrollment. First you can see the Total 2013 Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment by Medicare Star Rating. Going further you can also check out the  Average 2013 Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment by Medicare Star Rating. Finally you can take a look by contracted organizations:  Health Insurance Companies Whose Medicare Advantage Contracts Have an Average Star Rating Above 4.5 When Weighted by Enrollment.
If you are interested in more data and facts about Medicare Advantage be sure to check out the MedicareHMO Fact Sheet.

  1. regotsetag on Mon, 06/17/2013 - 20:33

    Not sure of purpose of weighting by enrollment in relation to stars. Could you explain?

    Roger Gates